Saturday, March 27, 2010

Um, can I get fired from being a blogger?

Cuz, I'm so behind the times. I think I'm going to make a promise to myself that if I don't have the energy to write something witty than I should at least post a picture. I mean what the hell else am I going to do with the 4,999 pictures taking up space in my iphoto.


That seems unlucky. I need to take a picture right now just to get it to 5k.


Well at least I feel better about the number. Which, holy shit, I have FIVE THOUSAND pictures. Is my computer about to smoke? That's crazy. Before I start to morph into the hard-drive nazi that I'm totally known for, I am going to post some pics so that at least I know they're not there for nothing. The good news is that I recently got a new camera. Yay! No more grainy iphone pics. So here's a sample of my new pics....

Good morning!

Umbrella time. Enjoying some warmer-ish weather.

Nature walk!

Oh Mia!

Celebrating St. Patty's Day!

Mia's first gymnastics class

Our dear Aunt Mae passed away and as we headed to the wake I had the conversation with Bella about death. It went something like this....."remember that ladybug that you stepped on...."

Before arriving to the service we stopped by a game zone to let off some steam.

These girls are inseparable

Bella and her recent masterpiece, which lasted a whole 5 minutes before Mia's grubby little hands came and wiped it all away. She's loving like that.

And how about some pictures from the past to conclude this pretty boring post......


  1. UHHHHHMMMMMMMMM how about a picture of your new wheels instead of your adorable booger bears? at least text me one! i love the annie costume whenever it makes an appearance.

  2. Love the pics. Esp your first one. What kind of camera did you get? I'm in the market...

  3. Super jealous of your beautiful pictures. Also, may I second the request for minivan photos? Cuz I know there's hilarity to be has on that subject.
