Saturday, April 3, 2010

Eggstra! Eggstra! Read all about it! Mom loses mo-jo and tots take over!

Doesn't the smell of eggs and vinegar make you wanna ralph? Yeah, well, when you're a mom there's just some things you gotta suck up.

Happy Easter!

C'mon on, Easter wouldn't be complete without
dying some hard boiled heuvos, right?

It was the best 8 minutes ever! I carefully eyed the clock since Mia was this close to chucking those rather full cups of DYE across the room.
In case you didn't know, she likes to throw things.


Insert about 10 "ah-ah-ah's, ooh carrreeful, waaaatch out" from my


Yeah, I'm sure she swallowed a few shell pieces before
I could get to her in time to peel it.
It happens.

Happy Easter everyone!


  1. LOVE Bella's Bears outfit!! That's raising em right my friend. :) Happy Easter Clan Narciso.

  2. I love your chandelier! Too cute! And yes, the smell from my refrigerator is so bad with two dozen hard boiled, vinegar covered eggs in it. I can see how that could turn your stomach! Happy Easter Gina!

  3. I hate the smell of eggs..don't think I can ever get the stink out of the house! Love the new look of the blog! Hope your Easter was great!

  4. Is it me or does Eater get better with kids! We too had eggs hanging everywhere but stopped short of the coloured eggs this year... maybe next. Love the new blog format! SOoooo cute!

  5. Our house still reeks of eggs. Especially when we open the fridge. Ben and Harry did the eggs while jack napped, and we used the same cups as you-- Target??
