Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Practice makes perfect--or at least an angry sibling

The week before a ballet recital is pretty typical in our house. Constant dance routines all day long (ON REPEAT) in anticipation for the big show. Even Mia knows the steps and faithfully follows along 99% of the time.

Except this time. And I caught it on video.

Here's Mia going all "Sean Penn" on me with the camera....it's a hoot.

And yes, you are correct, the song that my sweet little 4 year old is dancing to is "Party in the U.S.A. By Miley freakin' Cyrus!

What ever happened to "You Are My Sunshine" and "Twinkle Twinkle" ya know, proper 4 year old dance numbers? Huh?

Ahhh jeez, who am I kidding? I let the girls watch Alvin and the Chipmunks The Squeaquel over the weekend and now all Bella sings is Beyonce's "Single Ladies."

Fast forward ten years and I'm in some serious trouble!


  1. I am laughing because my daughter is dancing to "Party in the USA" for her dance recital too!

  2. for BALLET??? i'm thinking had our 10 year old danced to miley at her's, we might have ALL been a little more interested.

    hey gina, chipmunks? does that mean the TV furlough is a thing of the past??

  3. I am proud to say Zoe that the only TV they have watched in almost a month was that God forsaken movie. Okay, I can't lie. It was cute. I sang along. But the Miley song was her tap routine.

  4. OMG! Mia is turning into a little bruiser! So cute! Bella is so serious about shaking her little hips!

  5. Mia's a Cinderella skirt wearin, mosh pit dancing kinda toddler. What? You got somethin to say about it?

    Bella on the other hand likes the color hot purple. Ohhh that would be a GREAT name for a band. Introducing... HOOOOOOOT PURPLE!!!!

  6. They are so, so cute! We watched that movie on the car on the way to AFA, so I haven't seen it yet-- just heard it over my shoulder over and over again-- pretty cute, though. (OMG. Kiddie TV has destroyed my mind).
