Monday, July 12, 2010

I wouldn't put a Partridge Family bus past me!

It's obvious, my daughters like to dance. They dance all day long. Sometimes it's after breakfast, before bedtime or sometimes they'll bust into a celebration dance just because Daddy added basil to his bolognese sauce. Whatever the reason, they love letting off a little steam together and we love watching them.

During one of their nightly performances, as we all laughed along, I leaned over to my mom and asked her if it'd be okay if the girls put on a show at the nursing home she worked at. My mom thought it would be a perfect idea! She's a Director of Nursing for an alzheimer's facility and they LOVE it when Bella and Mia (or any kids for that matter) come to visit.

So the planning begun. It took about three days to decide on the music, Bella had a lot of opinions on the subject. But we narrowed it down to 4 songs: "It's a Hard Knock Life," "All the Single Ladies," "You've Got a Friend in Me" and for the finale "Supercalifragilisticexpialadocious." SP? :)

They even put the girls into the activity calendar and called them the "Narciso Sisters!" How cute, huh?

We arrived with a couple minutes to spare and got psyched up for the big show. For their props we opted for the "minimalistic" approach, two buckets and two rags. Bella thought it would be fancy if they started like they were sleeping. I didn't dare debate it.

The choreography for the first number was pretty straight forward--they decided to "wash" the floors throughout all 3 minutes and 42 seconds of "It's a Hard Knock Life."

And the residents? They loved every second of it!

I particularly loved how Bella decided to sing along!

After the initial nerves wore off they were pretty excited for their second number, "All the Single Ladies." In fact, I think a little Beyonce could get anyone's morning going! Although, this version wasn't sung by Beyonce but rather the Chipettes from Alvin and the Chipmunks 2. But nobody seemed to notice the high pitched wail. Hah!

Next, to lighten the mood a little the girls danced to "You've Got a Friend in Me," where they hugged and spun eachother around, making everyone smile.

For the finale they decided to sit on the buckets. How Fosse!

And as soon as they heard Mary Poppin's voice they ran around the room as fast as they could. You couldn't help but clap along.

The show lasted a mere 10 minutes, but the feelings we took away will last much longer. These first few years of our childrens' lives, the formative years, are so important. We hope that one day they remember the joy that 10 minutes brought to all these people!

Oh and I think I'm a stage mom.


  1. Oh Gina, this is the greatest! You have my heart smiling! Your girls are precious! I love the shots of the audience members - I'm sure it made their week! Good for you for making a visit that I always say I am going to do with my kids, and have never gotten around to it!

  2. waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. weepy. they are so precious. all this in your last week of pregnancy? thank gawd your having another kid so you can mellow out and become lazy like the rest of us! good for you!!

  3. You are definitely a stage mom! And a great one at that. Gina this so special and thoughtful of you. Those girls are going to be just as generous and caring as you and Eugene...keep bloggin' baby. XOXOXOXO Carrie
