Friday, January 21, 2011

Catching up

Hi friends. It's been awhile. 

These past couple weeks have been a blur for me. I have had three sick kids with an awful upper respiratory infection and a husband with pneumonia. It has been utterly exhausting-to say the very, very least. 
The up side? 

I managed to shower this morning. 

 And I had my good friend come to visit for a week, which seemed to be the only thing that put a smile on my face. Ed is our college friend and is truly one-of-a-kind (in oh so many ways.) I think he thought it was going to be awesome to hang out and talk and drink and laugh and eat---which it was, but for only 5 hours of the day after the kids fell asleep. Other than that Ed was thrown head first into our daily routine including early wake-ups, tantrums, craft time, and god knows how many episodes of Dora he had to endure.

But from the moment he arrived, our kids were smitten.

We didn't have much alone time and didn't get out as much as I would have liked since my entire extended family was sick too, which pretty much wiped out all babysitting services. So instead, we ate everything in sight, drank ourselves silly, caught up on as much trash tv as possible and played wii until we passed out. 

The highlight of the visit was adding my new favorite condiment (my neighbor's homemade habanero jelly) to EVERYTHING in sight. Delicious. Which was the inspiration for our homemade white chocolate habanero ice cream that was TOO DIE FOR. With a sprinkle of salted pecans it was the perfect combo of sweet and spicy and salty. 

Thanks Ed for a such a feculant visit!

The day after Ed left I turned 36. Waking up to the sound of two girls serenading me with a birthday tune was a great start to the day. Bella insisted that I follow our birthday/holiday tradition of personalized pancakes and I grudgingly agreed. But ya know what? There's something pretty satisfying about slathering your age in syrup and shoving it down your throat.

Our word of the day project has been going well. We were on a science streak for a couple days with words like mitochondrian and algae. Although, vindication and amputate lead to some pretty funny conversations. But on my birthday, I got to pick. And sure enough, with my eyes closed, I landed on


But of course I did.

At dinner, I got the "special" plate which felt pretty cool. 

I listened to two kids sing (and one kid moan) the birthday song. It was perfect.

And the cake was delicious

just ask Bella's nose.

But my favorite part was the after dinner dance recital. 

I swear her costume choices are getting exceedingly more creative.

 Thank you, my incredible family, for such a memorable day! Here's to another 36!


  1. you used the word feculant in your blog post
    my day has been made.
    thanks ed and gina for including me in so many of your plans.
    love you both.

  2. you + ed = jealous x100. how fun is that? uncle ed! what a good egg. is that your house with the collection of mirrors? i love it! my hubby is headed to chicago on sunday for the game (go packers!) and he tried to get me to go too. i had half a notion to call you up and ask for babysitting services but the idea of the whole thing made me exhausted. next time, right?

  3. Kevin + Chicago - Zoe = one angry friend. How dare you not come here and strip me of my friendly duties. You suck. There better be a next time. And yes the mirrors are ours.

  4. Gina - that blog post totally made my day at the library. Thanks so much!

  5. Happy Birthday! We are both 36! A good year, I might add...
    Sorry to hear you have had a sick house. Not easy, but glad to hear you got at least one shower!
