Tuesday, February 8, 2011


So one of the perks of being married to someone in sales is the annual award trips you get to attend. For the past 5 years I've either been really pregnant, giving birth, or too post partum to attend. So when my husband won a trip to the Southern Caribbean on an island called Curacao, I didn't think twice. That's a lie. For a brief moment I didn't want to be away from Chance and then Eugene smacked the reality back into me. Thank you sweetie.

So here I sit. On the beach. With a pina colada in hand looking out at the most beautiful water I've ever seen. Reconting the conversation I just had with my kids thousands of miles away.

Mia sang Itsy Bitsy Spider and it almost brought me to tears. Chance is about to crawl. Bella wishes I was home so she could hug me.

This getaway is just what I needed. A chance to relax. A chance to have grown up fun. It's good to be Gina again. Not the mom I am 24 hours a day at home. Nope not here. As I get my buzz on at 11:45 in the morning I'm reminded of a life pre-kids. And while I never want to go back to that time, it's nice to get a little taste of it again.

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy!!! Gina, I just remembered that pre-kids, pre-quite a lot-time when you introduced me to 7 and 7... play it again - one day :)
