Friday, February 25, 2011

Chances Are

Guys, my little son is growing so fast. He has two little teeth already and I see a little boy emerging more and more. I wish time didn't go so fast--at least not at this stage. Here's Chance at his 6 month picture, which was like 5 weeks ago. 

His smile is the perfect remedy.

He still has his irish hair, which I hope stays because it looks adorable on him.

Imagine, if you will, microwaving some putty so that it's nice and warm and squishy, well that's EXACTLY how this little guy makes me feel. I'm totally wrapped around his tiny, stubby little finger. Did I mention his thighs? Oh my goodness--his chubby little thighs are precious. If touched in a specific spot, with a specific amount of pressure it will send him CACKLING for  minutes! 

Our family is so complete with him in it. 

I love you, little man. 

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