Monday, May 23, 2011


For my sister Christine's wedding I was honored when she asked me to be her Maid of Honor. Technically, Matron of Honor because I'm married but that just sounded...oh I dunno...old! 
So instead, I settled on "MOH" for short. Ahh, much better.

What an exciting journey it's been, from the bachelorette party to the big day, I am filled with memories that I'll always cherish. I even think our friendship grew stronger and for that I'm so grateful. For the past year I've watched as you tirelessly organized your European wedding down to the last detail. You worked so hard to make sure that EVERY single person attending would feel special. And everyone did Christine! It's not easy planning an Italian wedding, but you did it effortlessly. 

Some of my unforgettable moments are....

Watching the royal wedding while we got ready for your royal wedding.

Laughing and mumbling curse words under our breaths as we smiled OVER and OVER again as Eugene took the pictures. We may look sweet in this picture but don't be fooled! 

Walking you through the rain to the church, trying to keep you as dry as possible and trying my damndest not to monopolize the umbrella.

Spending those last few precious moments with you.
You were so calm and looked so beautiful.

A perfect bride.

Thank you Christine for including me in your celebration and thank you for including my daughters.

They loved being a part of it.

Even Mia, despite her resistance. 

Your wedding was magical. But what stood out the most, was the honesty that you and Chris share.

I adore you both, and the love you have for each other is infectious!

 I foresee a lifetime of laughter and love in your future--the perfect combination. 

Christine, my loyalty to you doesn't end just because the wedding did. No, in fact, it's only just begun. Many new and challenging experiences lie ahead for your new family and 
I'll be there at your side every step. 

I can't wait to watch what's in store for you two. 

And please, never forget how truly blessed you are!

In lieu of giving a toast at the wedding I decided to go a different route, 
I created a little movie of their story. A puppet show of sorts. 

And here it is. I hope you enjoy but fyi-- it's an 8 minute commitment.

And if you've got a glass nearby, raise it up and let's all toast to the happy couple!

Congratulations Christine and Christopher Nolan


  1. Wow, what a post! You know I love a good sister story! The picture of the two of you under the umbrella is amazing and boy she was a STUNNING bride! Did Eugene take all those pictures? Your words to her are so sweet and now I am off to watch the video! You make great videos by the way...that's how I first came to know you when Zoe forwarded me the short you made to announce your pregnancy!

  2. Yep, bawling. Like a baby. You are so great with words and to be able to share this day with Christopher and Christine was well, "magical" as you said. I am so thankful and happy for all that this wedding represents which started with a love story, and includes so much more, including an AMAZING and wonderful (new) family and we can all only pray for.... bambinos! Gina, you are a class act and I look forward to many more memories to come. Cheers!
    Angi (Nolan)
