Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Hiatus of Sorts

Hey there, long lost friends. It's been awhile to say the least. More like the whole summer, huh? We've been housing a total of 13 different visitors since the beginning of July and while it's been extremely difficult to blog, we've been having an amazing time over here.

I have so many stories and so many pictures to share so hang tight. We are going out of town this weekend, but after that I will have more time on my hands. Bella starts kindergarten next week.....AAGGGH.  Do you think I'll be that mom who chases after the school bus once it pulls away? I think I might.

And little Mia starts preschool in 2 weeks. We're all so excited for her and her new school. And Chance-oh my goodness-this guy is walking everywhere and getting into everything!

I promise I'll be back!

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