Sunday, August 26, 2012

A Little Recital

I've been around nursing homes quite a bit since I spent most of my summer breaks working at one. It can be terribly heartbreaking one day and thoroughly uplifting the next. Yet some of my greatest advice has been given to me by my "friends" I met there. Without a doubt, I adored that job above any other.

Every so often my kids will perform a little recital at our local nursing home in hopes of brightening someone's day and making someone smile. We've been doing this for a couple of years now and each time is special and funny and adorably cute. But beneath it all, I want my kids to know the real meaning of compassion. And selflessness. And maybe they won't understand all of it right away, but I hope one day they will.

Until then, baby steps.

And here's some bonus material. Mia, my 4 year old, closed out our nursing home recital with a little solo that she learned in school. 

She signs the song What a Wonderful World and every single time I see it,  I smile. 

And tear up. 

It's my job.

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