Friday, August 10, 2012

Big Yellow Taxi!!

That summer to-do list of ours? We're totally rockin and rollin' it.

This pic was taken back in June upon the creation of our summer bucket list. Since then we've crossed off a lemonade stand, a beach outing, and a carnival which have all added to an already awesome summer scrapbook. But that boat ride has been staring at me for a month now. In fact, I'd be reminded every time I was in their room. I'd repeat it over and over in my head, with an oddly strange voice,

Go on a boat. Go on a boat ride Gina. You know you want to. 

I think it was wishful thinking when we created that list, as if writing it would suddenly mean we would JUST HAVE to take a carribbean sunset cruise. But was on the list!!!

With the horrific thought of having to rent a kayak and paddle my children through a friggin' creek, I knew we'd have to think of something quick.

Bingo! Chicago water taxi.

Giddy with the thought of crossing off the most challenging dare, we gathered the kids and headed to Chinatown. 

And yet again was reminded of how little pockets of this great city 
can transform you somewhere else. 

Someplace new.

With the feel of someplace old.

My kids loved this change of scenery, as did I.

We found the most amazing weeping willow tree just along the bank and sweet baby ray they had a ball swinging from it!

We could have left right then and there and they would have been MORE than satisified but that wouldn't have crossed off my list, now would it?

Watching the weeping willows get smaller and smaller behind us, we welcomed a new adventure.

Experiencing the city by boat is a MUST. Ever since My Best Friend's Wedding I've been itching to do this.

And you know what, to see the city from this angle is humbling.

The kids would ooh and aah as every new building came into view. 

And wave at EVERY SINGLE BOAT RIDER that passed their way and laugh when their friendly gesture was reciprocated. 

We debarked at Michigan Avenue, had a quick bite to eat and headed right back to the boat and awaited the next pick-up. A round trip ticket was $7 per person and maybe less for kids, can't quite remember but I know that it was completely economical and it accomplished EVERYTHING that we could have wanted on a boat with 3 kids. 

In hindsight I should have put on my summer bucket list: have an amazingly stress free, memorable and exciting family outing where no one argues, no one whines and no one bleeds.

Cuz, in that case?


Summer 2012 


  1. LOVE this post. Awww. Chicago water taxi! We tried to get it one day by Chinatown and totally got lost! :)

  2. Thanks Stacy Jill! You'll have to let me know the next time you are in Chicago!
