Friday, October 5, 2012

A Mia Medley

So in the blogging world, NaBloPoMo (National Blog Posting Month) was started to encourage bloggers to write every day for a month. It was inspired by the National Novel Writing Month, NaNoWriMo which happens every November.

While I'm obviously 4 days behind in October, I'm attempting to post daily this month. Maybe it'll be just a picture, maybe more but its a little challenge I'm putting on myself.

So please, I encourage you to stop by as much as you can. And while I've never actually admitted it, I do love to read comments. So, if you've ever thought about commenting and didn't, please do. Open exchange is always good.

Okay, here's a little video we put together over the summer for our daughter Mia. She's hilarious and I could watch her dance for hours!


  1. Good for you! Now I just need to get on board too:).

  2. Mia's rendition of the robot made me spit my coffee out! She's hilarious Gina!!

  3. Thanks Vanessa! Start your blog today!

  4. Shayla!!! She's got her "mad" dancin' skills from me! Congratulations on your engagement! Btw, still have the adorable knitted blanket you gave me when Bella was born!

  5. Work it Mia! Watch out Carly Rae, Mia's got the moves! Too too cute - loved Bella's lip syncing and chance's moves as well. He's learning from the pros :)

  6. Love it, love her, love all the Narcisos moves! Of course, it looks like Mia may need to learn a little "Greatest Love of All" and come over to the Post house!
