Sunday, May 23, 2010

A reflection of Mia's 2nd Birthday

I always thought it was so cliche when parents comment on how fast time passes with their kids. But then I became a mother and realized the truth to that statement. It's not so much that time quickly passes, it's more that no matter what, I can't get yesterday back. Even if yesterday was the most perfect possible day, it too will pass and be organized somewhere in the files of memories that I cling to so fondly.

On May 8, 2010 Mia had that perfect, possible day, her 2nd birthday.

With every grandparent present to shower her with kisses and hugs she knew today was going to be special. She knew it was her day.

Before heading out to the Lincoln Park Zoo to celebrate, Eugene took her outside for a couple birthday portraits.

Two seems so young, doesn't it? But to me, she seems soooo much older...already!

It was a cold and overcast day. We ressurrected our scarves and mittens and headed for the zoo. Mia's favorite place of all.

Especially the monkeys....

Align Center

She rode the endangered species carousel with her Lola by her side

She watched a pacing leopard with her Nana by her side

She braved the cold

Not always with a smile

But it wasn't long before the smile returned as we headed to Ed Debevic's, a family favorite.

I mean look at her, she's in a fried food birthday heaven!

Dodging the insults thrown our way by half the wait staff we watched as Babycakes our waitress, presented Mia with the world's smallest sundae.

After practicing for an entire week, she blew the candle out like a champ!

And even got to open some pretty cool gifts...

After lunch we headed home to enjoy some of the cake that my mom and sister baked for her. Since Mia loves herself some kitty cats, that's what she got....

And again we sang to her....

And celebrated even more...

Ultimately, all I wanted for her was a perfect day---and she got just that.

Happy 2nd Birthday Mia!


  1. Happy birthday indeed, beautiful girl.

    Momma, we MISSED you this weekend! There was a Gina-shaped hole throughout all the proceedings. Much love from your Southern girls.

  2. She is just beautiful, gina!! :) What a cutie! You look sooo good (and exactly the same as I remember you!) :)

    Glad it was happy...though I have to point out it was less than a month ago you had the mittens and hats out.

    Today, I have the air on!!

  3. It looks like a great day! Happy birthday Mia!! (I cannot believe Mia and Jack are 2, by the way. Remember being pregnant at the reunion?? That seems like yesterday...)

  4. Oh, what a total cutie! She is adorable! Looks like a great day and I love the cake! There is nothing like a homemade birthday cake!
