Monday, May 17, 2010


I fully believe that watching a preschool ballet recital is the true chicken soup for the soul. It's guaranteed to put a smile on your face---even if your child isn't even up there.

What's funny is that Bella only had two numbers so the entire show lasted about ten minutes. Not kidding. In fact the first song she was so excited and nervous about being up there that she forgot to dance altogether! It was precious.
Here she is giving us one last grin before the curtain closed for the next set.

But by the time the curtain reopened for her final performance, Bella had shaken any previous nerves she had and really started to groove.

My favorite part was when she ditched the choreography for a moment to give a full-on wave to Mia who was sitting in the front row, beaming from ear-to-ear at her big sister.

Thanks Gabe for her adorable hairdo. She would have looked a hot mess had I done it!

Also, how cute is this? My sister's boyfriend and his parents were kind enough to reward Bella with a BEAUTIFUL bouquet of flowers. Thank you, she loved them!

I get so excited to think that little Mia will be joining Bella on stage soon. She is quite the dancer, you know.

This life of mine? I'm loving every minute of it.


  1. Oh. my. gosh. Gina, that is the cutest thin I have ever seen. I have little girl envy right now :)

  2. Adore!!! Cheers to many more awesome recitals! Smooches - Carrie
