Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Happy Halloween by Dr. Seuss

I think my excitement for Halloween is borderline whack-job. For realz.

I totally take it too seriously and plan about a month (or two) in advance but jacknabbit

But high-fives for me since I was still able to convince all family members to participate in a team costume this year. I didn't think we could top last year's but we sure tried. Whom I kidding, I know damn well that in about 5 years Mia would rather eat rocks than dress up with me soooooo, I'm milkin' it for as long as I can.

In an ode to Dr. Seuss, here's The Grinch, Cindy Lou Who, Thing 1 and Thing 2, The Cat in the Hat and a Green Egg.

Didn't Bella's hair turn out great? Wires. Which is exactly what she told everyone who's door she knocked on. Even if they didn't ask. She would just blurt out "wires" and point to her hair. It was hilarious. She was so proud.

My sister, Thing 2, is so talented! She did all the makeup and hair!

We ended up pulling our kids in the wagon to each house. They're such pansies about walking!

The weather turned out to be perfect and the kids loved trick or treating. Especially Chance who proceeded to dig his grubby little hands into every neighbor's candy bowl.  It was cute.

It was his first taste of candy and the boy went nuts. And then Mia shared her Fun Dip stick with him. Um yeeeeah....there's candy and then there's Fun Dip. Which is basically a sugar stick that you dip in more sugar. A mother's dream.

Happy Halloween!


  1. Adorable!!

    Harry and Jack got their first taste of Fun Dip...at breakfast yesterday. MOTY

  2. You are so creative, I love a family theme! Well done Gina! And I still remember our wagon days...sigh.

  3. Last year was my favorite but then again I love TOY STORY!!! But you outdid yourself this year! And yes milk it for all you can because one day you are going to ask Bella what she wants to be for Halloween and she is going to say something like a dead cheerleader or a ghost bride! Trust me that day is coming!

    Love ya Cuz!
