Thursday, May 31, 2012

Roughin' It

For Memorial Day weekend we took the fam-damily camping in Indiana Beach. But hold-up, wait a minute, before you go handing out my wilderness badge I might want to mention it was for one night only. The perfect amount of time, really. Just when I was about to lose my ever lovin' mind from washing ourselves for the 900th time with BABY WIPES, we were on the road heading home. Perfection.

Rather than bore you with the details, I'll let the pictures tell our story.

ya know, just the essentials.


Dinner time

How I got through it all
Dude, she smiles and tilts her head for EVERY picture!

Sleepy heads!

Good Morning!

Eugene's homemade hash browns

Come Christmastime, remind me to get Chance a tree stump.

Rock, Paper Scissors

Happy Memorial Day

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