Sunday, June 17, 2012

End-of-Year Q&A

This year for our end-of-year teacher gifts we decided that a blend of homemade gifts as well as some gift certificates would be appropriate. I'm new to the school scene, so I wasn't quite sure what to do. I keep telling my kids that some of the best gifts we could give someone are our own that's what we did. For Bella's Kindergarten teacher we made a fancy-schmancy clipboard, complete with an "End-of-Year Q&A" with Bella.

My favorite answer from the Q&A was when I asked Bella what she thought her teachers favorite ice cream was and she responded, tropical fruit gelato! WTH?? That is so random and so hilarious! To make this, we bought an ordinary clipboard and made it fancy with decorative paper, stickers, tape, ribbons and a whole lotta' ModgePodge.

Here's the back:

I let Bella write whatever she wanted and I smiled at the result.

This year has been so special for her. And Eugene and I LOVED her teacher so much--we wish Bella could have her every year!

For Mia's teacher gifts, she chose to decorate a birdhouse for one of her teachers.
And of course, I modge-podged a Q&A on the back of it too! 
I'm lethal with that modge-podge--watch out!

She spent days painting it and adding "sparkly jewels."

For her two other teachers, she decorated a personalized bag for them and I ironed on a Q&A on the other side with those iron on-printable transfers.
In Mia's Q&A every teacher was described as either "gorgeous, beautiful or fancy."

What a great year this has been for my daughters. They've had such amazing experiences at both schools and dare I say it---they're looking forward to next year.

What about you? What do you like to give your children's teachers as an end-of-year thank you? Please share any ideas that you have, I'm always looking for new ones!

Here comes summer!

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