Bella and I went out for some snow play. After falling off the sled twice and having a pretty lame snowball fight we decided to make a snowman. Or snowgirl as Bella referred to her as. More specifically, Mia the snowgirl.
We were really proud of our masterpiece. Bella was EXTREMELY proud. I mean I wasted a carrot people, come on. Kudos for button eyes? Anyhoo, I knew that her sudden admiration for this snowgirl was going to end badly. So, I started to remind Bella of that episode of Sid where his ice cream melted. As cautiously as I could, I told her that Snowgirl, too, will melt. I clearly did not do a very good job relating the two issues because this morning Bella woke up to this:
And after a twenty minute melt down (hee hee) she understood. Or was distracted by a peanut butter banana. I'm not sure which.