Or as the Italians like to call it, "the sweet life." One particular way in which Italians revel in the sweet life is with their gelato. Back in the 13th century, Marco Polo learned of the Chinese method of creating ice and milk mixtures and like the copycat he was, brought it back to Europe and--poof--gelato was born. Unlike ice cream, gelato is whipped with hardly any air so the flavors are intensified. And intense it is. So intense that we had it daily. Okay, sometimes twice daily but that was only to test out a new flavor. Vacation calories don't count, right?
Of all the cones in all the cities, Siena was by far the best! They had us at ciao when we looked at how authentic their display was. Check out the real strawberries in there......just for show!

After we all ordered our favorite flavor we sat in the campo and devoured the gelato. One sticky, messy, lick at a time.
I remember looking up and noticing the sky was a perfect shade of blue.

We people watched as friends laughed with one another

and embraced each other

and stopped to catch a breath

and stopped for a drink of water

Unfortunately, my people watching was interrupted by two high octane sugar highs. And I don't mean Eugina's. I redirected my focus and watched again as friends laughed with one another

and embraced each other

and stopped to catch a breath

and stopped for a drink of water

I sat in that campo watching two inseperable sisters explore a new world together. I wondered if they will have this much curiosity in the future? I wondered if they will continue to depend on each other as much as they did today? I wondered if they will have the same passion to travel in the way that we do. Will they borrow each other's clothes? Will they wait for each other after school? Will they fight over boys? Will Bella learn to share the spotlight? Will Mia ever stop biting?
I can't wait to find out.

What could be sweeter than that?