I had a very heavy heart that day....as I did for many days to follow, actually. I've missed our family and friends the most. Oh and the occasional wildfire, those sure were fun. I've missed watching my girls grow up along side their cousins and friends--these kids have been by each others' side from day 1.
Which is why, when we were reunited again, everyone's heart was smiling. Except for maybe Mia, whose heart was screeching in agony.

We stayed at Eugene's parents house and we had so much fun! We always feel so "at home" when we're there. We also met up with our best friends the Castanedas for some fun in the sun.
Bella, Tessa, Sienna and Mia picked up their friendship right where they left off--as if no time has passed. I think regardless of age, true friendship is true friendship.

Later that evening, we had a pajama party at Andy and Vanessa's in which we all spent some quality time together. Vanessa and I caught up on our TMZ gossip, Eugene and Andy compared cameras, and the girls danced and played all evening! Here they are in their PJ's, chillaxin' with some popcorn and a movie.

Seriously, they stayed like this for at least an HOUR. Thank you Tinkerbell: The Movie.

Watching these girls giggle and gab made me think about all the fun I had at pajama party's growing up. From light as a feather stiff as a board to the Bloody Mary mirror trick, we did it all. Late night talks debating who was cuter Kirk Cameron or Corey Haim (Haim) or what was cooler Outback Red or Firenza (Firenza). I can't remember where I leave my keys most days, but my memories of 6th grade are crystal clear.

I wish someone could have reminded me that Coca-Cola is a soft drink and NOT a fashion statement.

In my mind I fast forward 8 years and I know these girls will be doing the same thing. Although, I have a sneaking suspicion their talks won't be about princesses and farm animals like they were this night. But their innocence will still be there and I hope their journey will be as exciting as mine was.

We ended our visit with a great dinner with great friends. I cherish these dinners, since they only happen twice a year and because there are no kids allowed! Can I get a 'what what' ?!!. It's interesting how much our conversations have changed over the years. Yet with all these changes, I am so proud of my friends and of all the collected accomplishments among them. I miss them more than they know.

Until next visit....