It seems like yesterday I was melodramatically wiping away my sniffles as I sent

She's had a wonderful year of learning and socializing. I love her school and am excited for her pre-k class next year. This time she'll go 3 days a week which she will proudly boast to anyone who'll listen.
Her end of the year celebration was in the works for months, but she was so tight-lipped about it that I literally walked in blind. Which ended up being that much more special to me. Her preschool is on a farm and teaches a nature-based curriculum so it came as no surprise when I walked through the door and was told to follow the bear prints

oohh.....building the excitement, I like it. Okay I'll follow....but where will it take me?
Oh careful....cautiously entering the Bear Cave.....

After finding my seat I noticed the cute little stage at the front of the room that looks like a forest on one side and a pond on the other.
The class filed in and walked attentively up to the stage.
Rather than bombard you with 35 video clips (which I TOTALLY have) I'll give a brief run-down with about 35 pictures, cool?!
Their start-up was delayed a minute because they waited for Mia to stop yelling "HI BELLA" at the top of her lungs! I gotta admit, it made me smile. Once Bella waved back, Mia was content and the show began with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Which btw, try having 18 kids say indivisible at the same time--HILARITY, I say.
After the pledge, they launched into the ABC song but instead did the
sign language version. Show-offs!
Here's the letter L

Next, they went straight into a introductory joke, ya know, an ice breaker of sorts....
Q: How do you wake up a bear?
A: BEARY carefully!
(Insert about 60 forced parental laughs)
then followed it with some poetry and a couple dance numbers.

Ooh Bella, you really are a menacing bear (way to commit, girl)

Want to know what's more annoying than a dad with a huge camera running all over the place, SNAPPING OVER 200 PICTURES FROM EVERY POSSIBLE ANGLE? A dad who stops to take a picture of a mom who's obsessively recording every detail on a mobile phone, for crying out loud. Yeah I know, roll your eyes, we're those parents.

Next, the teachers began the individual "character" awards where they hand out specific awards to each kid. It was Bella's turn....I was so anxious to hear what they were going to say. Bella nervously stood up when she heard her name. I absolutely love that she shrugs her shoulders when she's nervous. It's her thing.

And what happened next has already been filed in my "DO NOT EVER FORGET THIS MOMENT" folder. Here's the clip:
Eugene and I exchanged a glance at eachother from across the room and we both knew in our smiles just how proud we were of her.
Our little leader.
I see such beauty on a daily basis with these girls, but it's not often that Eugene and I get to experience moments like this, together. I'll never forget it. Holy are we going to make it through a college graduation without totally losing it? Speaking of losing it, and graduation, after Bella's class performed the older kids (pre-K) came walking in with caps and gowns

and walked proudly to the graduation song and I swear I started tearing up
right then and there. I'm doomed!!!
After the ceremony, we gorged ourselves with baked goods and fruit punch.
It was great.

And as her first school year comes to a close, I'm confident that this educational journey I'll walk with her will be a fruitful and adventurous one. But first, let's get through the summer, okay?
"In teaching others, we teach ourselves."