Who doesn't like a good pancake breakfast? We do! In fact, we love ourselves some Cracker Barrel cherry pancakes! So, this past weekend Eugene woke me up and suggested that we pack up and head out to breakfast. As much as I was reluctant about taking Chance out, the thought of passing up those cherry pancakes was too much for me! Yes, they're THAT good. Plus Eugene was really insistent on going out, so I agreed.
Getting out the door was sooooo difficult.
Eugene spent about 30 minutes reconfiguring the car seat arrangement in the minivan, making room for baby Chance. Bella was a little unenthusiastic about getting moved to the back of the van. But when I explained that she gets to be the "leader of the back"--well then, she was all for it! Hah!
With everyone packed in the car, even my sister, we headed out to our breakfast hotspot. It was our first time out of the house with ALL of us.
It felt so different.
It's definitely a feeling I'm going to have to start getting used to.
**Holy shit, I have three children.** We had a perfect breakfast. Chance was awesome. He stayed in his carseat and only woke up a few times. I could be seen wrestling his pacifier in one hand and shoving cherry pancakes in my mouth with the other. Ahhh, the multitasking phase of parenting is back in full effect. It seems like I just got over it with Mia!
It's our tradition after we eat at Cracker Barrel to sit outside on the rocking chairs and relax for a few minutes. Bella and Mia love sitting in the little kid rocking chairs and Eugene and I will sit and rock next to eachother and he'll undoubtedly hear me say (cuz I say it every time we're there) "Babe, one day I want a wrap around front porch with rocking chairs like these where we can sit outside and sip lemonade together and talk about our day."
Seriously, he's heard the speech a dozen times.
Well on this particular visit it just so happens that I was the last one to leave the table. Everyone else had already headed outside. Once I gathered up all the crayons and cleaned up all the Mia droppings, I made my way outside and like usual, sat next to Eugene in one of the rocking chairs.
It's been no secret that I have been scouring Craigslist for the past month and a half for an inexpensive rocking chair that I can put on our balcony as a little place of refuge to bring the baby. But, I've had no luck. Anyway, I sit down next to Eugene and my sister who was peacefully rockin' in a chair on the other side of Eugene, asks me how my Craigslist search was coming. And I tell her the sad news. She then asks me to look at the pricetag on my chair to see how much it costs. So I turn my head about 4 inches to the left to read the tag on it and this is what it said,

I was in shock! I couldn't believe it! Apparently, Eugene went to the restaurant the night before and had it all planned out.
Man, I love this guy.

I can't believe I didn't see the tag before I sat down! It was so perfect!

We then spent another 30 minutes trying to figure out how we were going to fit a full size rocking chair, three adults and three kids into one minivan. Not quite sure how we did it, but we did. And as soon as we got home and unloaded it, I scooped up my son and we rocked.
For awhile.

Thanks Eugene!