Born on July 16th at 8:13 AM, weighing 6lbs. 14 oz. and measuring 19 inches in length, we watched as our daughters proudly shouted

I couldn't have agreed with them more.

Many of you might be wondering why we chose the name Chance? Well to put it simply, Eugene and I both feel that life is about taking risks. And how much we can grow and learn from challenging ourselves. Our hope for Chance is that he realizes how short life is and choses to make the very best of it. That, and frankly, we thought the name was kinda badass.
In my life, I've taken many chances that led me here.
Like the time I fell in love with a guy that I knew we'd be forever perfect.

Or how I blindly entered motherhood, after unsuccessfully taking care of several hamsters, a few fish, a cat and about 4 random dogs that our family adopted over the years.

Or how my precious and dedicated yet sometimes destructive relationship with my sister would be passed down to a new generation.

Or when I assisted the special needs classroom in my grade school, giving me first hand experience on how to be patient while simultaneously teaching me to be grateful for what I have.

Or when Eugene and I decided that our definition of family meant sharing our lives and experiences with many kids.

Or when we agreed to teach our children how important it is to always take care of, look out for and indelibly love and respect, eachother. Always.

Or when we realized that the greatest gift you can give your child is a sibling. Long after we're gone, they'll still have eachother to lean on, to depend on, and to carry on.

These little angels

are going to be phenomenal role models for this little guy.

Now that's definitely a chance worth taking.
Welcome to our family, Chance Post Narciso.
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