I'm at a total loss how to even begin on catching up on this here blog thing. But let's just say, my kids keep growing dammit. Like everyday. And not in just height marks Sharpie'd to our growth chart I'm talking about serious growth. Chance is reading like a champ, Mia is way too old for 1st grade, Bella is requesting long curled locks and is now reading Harry Potter and Indy finally fits into 12 month clothing. Um, yeah my little pint size peanut is a whole 21 pounds. He's small but mighty.
Like the other night when he decided to put on Chance's Darth Vadar helmet and circle himself silly for a good minute or two.
I'm falling asleep as I type. This and every other day in between leaves me thorough;y exhasuted. But I'm glad I could stop by.