Ahhh Munich, land of the complex carbohydrate.
Thinking that's a trendy fashion forward handbag? Well, think again. That's a pretzel dammit! A pretzel the size of your head.
Don't believe me? Check it.

German menus pretty much consist of pretzles, hot dogs and beer. And I was guilty of all three.

Even Mia agreed with me. Atta Girl.

The people, however, are what I will remember the most. Have you ever found yourself watching a musical thinking, "that so does not happen in real life--like anyone would really break into song and dance because---they---are---happy." DUDE, they do in Germany. Like, everwhere! Not kidding. I was stuck in a continuous musical and frankly, I loved every moment of it.
Oh Wait--there's more.
I felt a sense of togetherness from the Germans. I rarely noticed individuals---it was always groups. Groups of families or friends. Families riding bikes together, reading together, laughing together. Our family spent the day, like the Germans, enjoying eachother's company. We had an awesome paddle boat ride and a perfect picnic at the Englischer Garten. When I think of all the turmoil that Munich has suffered over the years I am enlightened to see a culture embrace life so fully. It really made me question if I'd be happier with a simpler life? Or maybe just really good beer?
Love reading your blog!